Woman designs at whiteboard

Data & Analytics

Confident decisions start with data-driven insights.

Data is abundant, but the real power lies in connecting the right dots. Uncover actionable insights that fuel growth and drive optimal decisions for your organization.

Tailored analytics

Our business intelligence solutions

Tailored analytics based on need
Tailored analytics

Our data and analytics offerings are designed for financial institutions of any size. Have the freedom to use all of your digital banking data in any way you’d like with out-of-the-box tools. From auto-populated dashboards and reports to building your own data sets, we provide customization for both small and large financial institutions.

Real-time data

Understand behavior and act on insights to influence user actions that improve product adoption, deposit growth, and feature usage. Real-time data spans across products, KPIs, account and transaction information, and member engagement activity to help you glean insights and achieve business goals across the platform.

Seamless marketing integration
Seamless marketing integration

Take business growth to the next level by powering your marketing engine with data. The direct integration between our analytics solution and marketing systems means you’ll have frequently updated targeting lists ready to deploy across marketing campaigns.

Safe and secure data
Safe secure data

Protect data and sensitive information without sacrificing insights. Limit access to sensitive data with role-based permissions, allowing you to establish internal controls while still being able to share reports with colleagues.

Woman at board table

Client Experience

Make better decisions based on data

Improving a user’s experience begins with an understanding of what’s working and what’s not. As we continue to build the technology of tomorrow, we look to data and glean insights for how to improve for our clients—and their users. With constant feedback loops with our clients and an understanding of user behavior across millions of interactions, we work to understand the questions our clients want to answer and how our data and analytics tool can continue to evolve to provide those answers—in real time and at scale.

See it in action. Contact our team of experts to see how we can help you exceed your growth goals and increase product adoption.